Diocesan Official Defends Pro-Abort Pol

Who is Walt Ayers and why should you care??  Walt Ayers is a Deacon in the Albany Diocese and Director of the Albany Diocese Commission on Peace and Justice.  He also is the author of a blog (we like bloggers) called Faith in the Public Square in the Times Useless (Union).  He recently penned a blog post called “Sara the Quaker Patriot.” Sounds innocent, right?


Sara the Quaker is actually Sara Niccoli, who is running for the State Senate.  In Ayers’ post, he explains that in her current role as Supervisor of the Town of Palatine, she does not say the Pledge of Allegiance during board meetings because of her Quaker faith.  Maybe she’s better suited to quarterback for the 49ers (we see you, Colin Kaepernick) instead! He voices his support of her decision based on religious liberty.  OK, that’s fine,  however let it be noted that we stand for the pledge and at the end of the it, we add the phrase with liberty and justice for all, born and unborn!

The problem with Ayers’ full-throated defense of Niccoli is that she is pro-abortion.  Yep, she even takes money from the abortion industry’s political action committee, Emily’s List.


In accepting their endorsement, Niccoli stated, “My opponent’s staunch opposition to a woman’s right to choose with no exceptions threatens to set us back an entire generation.”

Should Deacon Ayers be “getting the back” of a candidate that contradicts his faith regarding abortion?  Should Bishop Ed tolerate this from an employee?  We politely suggest that Bishop Ed talk to Walt and ask him to stay out of politics, especially when he is helping out a pro-abortion public official.  You know Deacon Ayers, the unborn could use some peace and justice.  – Martin Malachi

Author: albanycatholicreporter

Reforming the Albany Diocese one pizza slice at a time.

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